Display5 allows you to embed a YouTube video into your slide show. After hitting the Add button to add a YouTube video you will be presented with this screen:
You need to get the unique media id from the actual YouTube
video URL. To do this simply click in the YouTube link in the slide create
panel, to open a new window to the YouTube site. After you have found the video
that you want to embed, then grab the unique ID at the end of the URL - e.g.
if the URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMFBttUb2Pg then insert only the
vMFBttUb2Pg (Everything after the '=' symbol) into the input field back in the
slide create window.
Next you can specify a start point in the video or an endpoint in the video in seconds so that you can cue up the video segment precisely. When you enter a start point and end point the duration will be automatically calculated for you. Leave the fields blank if you want the video to play for the entire duration of the slide.
Enter a width and height for the video embed, any background color, and schedule the slide if you wish. Click on "Save" to save the settings.
You also have the option to enable Closed captions (If present in the video recording) to the playback screen. Just turn the button to the on position to enable this feature in the slide.
With the increased support for HTML5 in many of the browsers today, there is now the built in ability to support 3 different kinds of video playback natively in the browser.The HTML5 standard supports H264 MPEG video, WEBM video, and OGG video formats.These files do not require a browser plugin for playback.
To add an HTML 5 video file, select the Add button and in the create slide window select the Browse button to navigate to the video file that you want to playback. A file dialog will open. Select the file you want. If you choose a file that is not in the 3 formats listed above, you will be prompted to retry.
Enter a width and height for the video embed, any background color, and schedule the slide if you wish. Click on Save to save the settings.
The Windows video slide is designed to work exclusively with the Internet Explorer Browser and is designed to play back either the WMV or the AVI Windows specific video file formats.
You can click on the browse button to locate the WMV/ AVI file and then save the slide for playback only on Windows based computers. You can set the background color, width and height, duration and finally schedule this slide is desired.
Display5 works with the VLC media player for playback of a wide range of media types. You MUST install the Videolan VLC player plugin first on your media players to ensure that playback will work. Visit the following site http://www.videolan.org to ensure that your OS and browser is supported.You need to make sure that you install the browser plugin when you install the main package. The plugin is available for Firefox but not Chrome (Chrome has other plugins that will support media playback - such as http://www.videoexpertsgroup.com/chrome-media-player-plug-in/ the VXG media plugin)
Once you have the VLC plugin installed you will be able to add VLC video playback to your shows. There are two VLC widgets available, one for live streaming and the other for static file playback. One mode of the VLC playback slides will only work on the Internet Explorer browser while the others are designed to work in Firefox and other browsers. Chrome does not currently support the VLC plugin and so to play videos you must use one of the other widgets available.
Browse to the file that you want play back and then set the width and height of the playback window. Like all other Display5 slides you can set the duration, background color and schedule for the slide as well.
Note - if you are playing back on Internet Explorer then please select
the IE browser support button to the "yes' position.
To add a live stream slide, instead of browsing to the local file on your system, select the VLC Livestream widget:
As before provide a slide name and select if this is to target the IE browser or not , and then enter the URL for the live stream - for example mystream.m3u8 or RTSP:// -
VLC natively supports a wide range of video formats for playback - see the following table for more information - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/features.php?cat=video
Display5 supports the embedding of Flash content into a Display5 slide. This widget supports both the SWF and the FLA flash file format. Adding a Flash slide will also add any of the interactivity that was built into the flash object and this is particularly useful if you are embedding an Interactive Wayfinding widget or a directory style of slide as all the interactions will work in the browser.
To add a Flash object, click on the Add
button in the slide create list and the following window will pop-up:
You can then browse to the file on your computer and upload the Flash object to the Display5 program or browse to the file that you want to embed and then set the width and height of the object window if you would like to change it from the default Panel size. Like all other Display5 slides you can set the duration, background color and schedule for the slide as well.
This widget will support both FLV and SWF video formats.
The Display5 on premise version supports the ability to embed a Kaltura video file, livestream or playlist and even audio files. See the Enterprise User Guide for more details or contact Display5 support for more information.
The Display5 on premise version supports the ability to embed a Qumu video file, Qumu Huu or playlist or a Qumu live event. See the Enterprise User Guide for more details or contact Display5 support for more information.
Display5 supports the playback of audio files within your show. Supported formats include MP3, OGG and WAV. The audio playback does not require a plugin as it is natively supported by HTML5 in the browser.
In addition to the audio file itself, there is also the option to add an image
which will form a background to the slide itself when the audio is playing. You
can click on the browse buttons for the image file and add the audio file to
the slide:
When you add an audio file you must also select the mime type for the file.This is in case you upload a file with no extension. After uploading the file select the mime type from the drop down list. Then you can enter the width and height for the image that you are adding and as with all other Display5 slides you can set duration, schedule and background color. Remember to give your slide a title as well.
When the slide is opened in the play sequence the audio will automatically play. If you did not add an image then you will simply see a blank slide (white by default) with no content but you will still hear the audio.